13.00.02 Теория и методика обуч. и воспитания

The ways of teaching grammatical category of participle as an important part of Russian grammar of the level B1

UDC 81-139

Автор: Galina A. Аsonova

Abstract. In the given article the speech goes about specifics of teaching participles as one of the main and complex topic in grammar of Russian. The author of the article shares her own experience as an example of teaching Russian at the international group at the preparatory faculty in 2017. The article provides the reader with different types of games and exercises on the topic of participles are given, the peculiarities of the topic and the result which can be led by students. The present article draws attention to the methods of an effective reaching of comprehension are analyzed in the article, the role of the learning game and visual means is explained in the learning participles, which lead an activation of thinking and developing communicational skills with using participles in constructing sentences. The data of the present theme are given in the tables which denote specifics of the teaching participles to foreign students.

Keywords: thinking activation, Russian as a foreign, direct speech, dialogue, monologue, exercises.

Для цитирования:
Аsonova, G. A. The ways of teaching grammatical category of participle as an important part of Russian grammar of the level B1 // Гуманитарная парадигма. 2018. № 2(5). С. 13–20.

Полный текст: http://humparadigma.ru/art/2018/05/02-Asonova.pdf